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The city is Your City, USA. The day is today. All public schools are now under the private control of transnational security corporations. Their high powered technology is more than it appears to be. Follow one teaching artist into the belly of the beast..." The Ice Tray Project started as a play and grew into a multifaceted theatrical experience. It is simultaneously a piece of theater that you can enjoy an excerpt of and also my gut response to the school to prison pipeline, inspired by time spent as a Teaching Artist in schools and spaces of incarceration. The Ice Tray Project can be engaged with as a play, a facilitated arts workshops with system-impacted communities, and a digital ritual designed to repair and fortify the human spirit. Watch the play excerpt, follow the website link, or contact the artist for workshop partnerships. The Ice Tray Project can be many things for many people but most importantly it’s a vehicle to empower communities to positively change their world using art as a tool for liberation.



CHELSEA DEE HARRISON is a multi-hyphenate interdisciplinary creator and arts educator. Specializing in theater-making, she also performs, teaches, curates, facilitates, develops curriculum, directs, and produces arts events. Her focus is creating new works of theater that highlight history and challenge dominant narratives. She has written, performed, and produced her own work such as her solo show, The Guide to Getting What’s Yours. She is also a teaching artist who has facilitated workshops with the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the New York City Department of Correction, and the New Victory Theater. Find her on IG @chelseadeee and @thatuppitygirl.


Andrea Ambam


Courtney Jamison